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1-10 11-20 21-24
March 22nd is marked as the World Water day and we can assure that this year it has a big meaning in our local city Valmiera too. At the beginning of March NorthLatvia Leos announced a competition for children in Valmiera with the theme “Gauja in 20 years”, in which kids from infancy `till 13 years old could express their future vision, using their own chosen artistic materials. When the International Waters day came, all of the received works of art were placed in shopping centre “Valleta”.
In February Latvian Leos took part in Estonian organized Sports day in “Sochi 2014” theme.
This year to the annual Estonian Leo Sport day North Latvia Leo club was also invited. Leo North Latvia club team had 10 representatives. In September, as one of the goal Latvian Leos chose to initiate communication with foreign clubs. Of course, clubs from neighbour countries were preferred. To our mind, Estonian Leo movement is highly developed, Leos in Estonia are united not only in the good works of their local communities and international activities, but they also have shared traditions and events such as Sports day, where we were asked to participate.
On 2nd of June kindergarten „Bitite” was hosting sports games, in honor of "Child Protection Day". We surprised our little friends with some games. In the beginning we had a small warmup, continued with relays and in the final we had a rope tug. The kids were amazing, we rewarded all of them with a little treats
On 16th May Aluksne held the annual Lions Club convention, which was attended by North-Latvia LEO Club. On convention we presented the 2014/2015 work, for which we gained high praise not only from Latvian LC, but also from the Polish LC.
At the end of the convent LC Aluksne showed their sights of the city, including Aluksne observation tower, which offers an amazingly beautiful view over the entire city.
Leo North Latvia Club in 14 March went to Tallin to congratulate Leo Club Laagri in 5 year birthday. It was nice to see so nice persons and we wait the next time when we could visit our friends.
In the 7th of February, there were sports games at Valmiera Pargauja elementary school, in which participated North Latvian Leo club and also two Leo clubs from Estonia – Dorpat and Laagri. Our club managed to get the award winning first place last year, that is why we had this honor to organize these sports games this year. In these sports games triumphed Estonian team Laagri, the second place was taken by Estonian team Dorpat and in the third place ranked Latvian team. The sports games consisted of six relay races in which participants showed their basketball, floorball, cycling and also teamwork skills. In the second part of the sports games we played towelball (voleyball played with towels and in pairs). It was a good practice for a team and for its unity. The last part of the games consisted of tradicional voleyball and streetball. Then our teams spent the end of the day at bar ,,Tinte’’, where we greeted our guests with some snacks and activities. On the next day we took our guests to have a brunch at Valmiermuiza brewery.
Leo North Latvia club visited centre Valdardze. We gave clothes, winter stuff and handmade greetings from Valmiera kindergartens. We can say "THANK YOU" to our corporation partner Lions Club Moss and club's president Sven J. Lie for financial support.
It was great pleasure to give special Christmas cards to patients! These cards were made by children of Valmiera's kindergartens for this special event! We must admit that there is no better way how to get Christmas feeling, than helping others and making them smile!
From 13.-14. September in the J.Daliņa stadium were organized sport event for children and youths with special necessities "We can". Also Leo Northlatvia club participated in this enterprise.
Sport event have been organized already for seven years, and they take place in a close collaboration with the accomplices of Norwegians. Also the model of games is adopted from Norway: the games are organized that all participate and all get gold medals and diplomas. Saturday in the evening in Valmiera Culture centre were organized ball a special ball for participants. It is one from the most desirable enterprises in this days.
There were a few disciplines, first task, was a game BOCCIA, that is played already for a few years. After that, were organized run at discipline 60 m for girls and boys, then long jump (boys, girls), and also 400 m at run. After dinners sport event continued with blows on a gate, throwing bags of sands in the target and also relay race with tasks.
In the second day sport event began with the BOCCIA finale, with relay races, as also basket-ball and 800 m at run. In the end of the day, as after good sport event, the solemn rewarding and parade took place too.
Leo Northlatvia club in these days helped as judges and assist to prepare to the games and mostly supporting with decent words, because as is generally known - the moral support in the sport is very neccesary.
We hope, that next year, we could help sport event organizers with some new ideas for the event!
This is how much 4 Leo members and Norwegian guests (from Lions Club Moss) brought to social centre Valdardze!
We were happy to greet our friends in their visit and we hope to see them again one day!
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