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Meeting with our coordinating Lion


Minutes Zone-Officers meeting in Riga, 21st of January 2011

Present: ZCH Gatis Zarins, PZCH Zigurds Beinerts, CL Fabian Rüsch, Member of LBaktV (association for disabled children), Eva who wants to found a Leo Club in Riga

1.      Presentation of Eva, who is a High school student and wants to found a Leo Club in Riga. She had already started to interest some friends for her idea and is supported by the LC Riga. She will visit the Lions Youth Camp in Leipzig this summer. Eva has lived for a while in Germany so that she speaks German (as well as English).

2.      Presentation of LBaktV. The association has got a donation of 650 Ls. from the fishing activity the last year (fishing for charity) and asks now if it is possible to get support from Germany (youth exchange for disabled children, money, equipment). CL will try to make some contacts to LC in 111-ON, BSL and to the association for disabled people in the city of Rostock.

3.      Report of ZCH Gatis Zarins:

-He visited every LC in the last year.

-LC Riga had admitted one new member but also had dropped one member.

-No new club could be organized till now, but there are still three groups in Cesis, Daugavpils and Jurmala who want to found Lions Clubs. ZCH says , that the groups have already maybe 6 members each.

-Zone Conference shall be held up at the 14th of May in Aluksne. ZCH will try to combine it with an activity (common work for the environment/disabled people).

-LC Riga will organize the activity fishing for charity again at the 28th of April.

-The eyeglass project of the Lions from Michigan has been cancelled and was put of to the next years.

      4.     CL Fabian Rüsch

           - offers  greetings from PCL Harald Dräger and Area Leader Heiko Dallmann.

 - reminds, that the clubs has to pay and report in time also the clubs are in good standing now.

-asks the ZCH if he receives the DG-Recaps? He confirms this.

-points out, that the Lions rules dictate, that an LC has to have 20 members minimum. This should be discussed at the Zone Conference and the clubs should be pointed out to this together with the reminder of the club officers election in March so that they possible can react till the conference.

- asks if the ZCH has already answered the E-Mail of Heiko Dallmann from the 13th of January? The ZCH declared, that he has not receiced that E-Mail. The CL will send it again to the ZCH with the request to answer immediately.

- recommends to the Zone Conference

a) to invite the possible officers of the new Clubs in Cesis ect. too.

b) to ask every club together with the invitation to make sure, that the PU-101 form was already send to oak brook  and to the ZCH.

c) to ask the presidents in the invitation to present their annual planning at the Zone-Conference and to discuss the planning with them under the aspect how it is suitable to gain new members.

d) to train the new club officers about the basics of LCI, membership reporting, subscription and leadership.

5. ZCH Gatis Zarins points out that he has served as a ZCH for two years so that it has to be elected a new ZCH at the Zone Conference.  The successor has to speak English. PCH Zigurds Beinerts and he will speak to some Lions friends and give a short report to the CL.

7. Youth exchange

 PCH Zigurds Beinerts will write to Inese because of her inquiry of visiting a Lions Youth Camp in Canada and will try to find a boy/girl to join the Lions Youth Camp in Switzerland. The Swiss Lions have offered a place for free. The deadline is the 31st of January.


Fabian Rüsch


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